1466 You cannot download this file because your filesystem doesn't supports files which are larger than 4GB, consider converting it to NTFS
1467 This Beta version is out of date. Due to the nature of Beta versions, which often contain bugs it is very important that you update to a stable release as soon as possible!
1468 Toggles bold text
1469 Toggles underlined text
1470 Selects foreground text colour (optional background colour)
1471 Resets all previous formatting (sends a reset tag)
1472 Restore Search Parameters
1473 Command
1474 Arguments
1475 Scanning archive...
1476 Create preview file
1477 Archive-Details
1478 Archive type
1479 Attributes
1480 Last Modified
1481 Headers encrypted - unable to read archive.
1482 Archive scanned.
1483 File list may be incomplete.
1484 Table of contents not found.
1485 Insufficent data available.
1486 Password protection
1487 Table of contents successfully read.
1488 (unknown/unsupported)
1489 (Kad search in progress...)
1490 Obfuscation
1491 Supported
1492 estimated
1493 There is no MediaInfo library installed. If you want to get more information about audio/video files in this dialog,\ndownload the MediaInfo library from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mediainfo/ and copy the MediaInfo.dll file into\neMule's installation folder "%s".\n
1494 Warning: The file extension of "%s" does not match the file extension\ntypically used for that file format. You may want to rename the file to\nuse one of those file extensions "%s"\nfor properly using or viewing that file format.\n
1495 Warning: The file "%s" seems to be protected with Digital Rights Management.\nYou will most likely not be able to use that file without a license from the originator of that file.\n
1496 File attributes can contain:\n\nP file is password protected\nD is a directory\nC Comment\nLx Compression level x\nM compressed data not completely downloaded yet\n< file continued from previous volume\n> file continues in next volume\n
1497 eMule Toolbar Bitmap Files
1498 eMule Skin Files
1499 Content
1500 Messages and Comments
1501 Protocol Obfuscation
1502 Allow obfuscated connections only (not recommended)
1503 Disable support for obfuscated connections
1504 Enable Protocol Obfuscation
1505 Connecting to %s (%s:%i - using Protocol Obfuscation) ...
1506 Obfuscated connection established on: %s
1507 Verified
1508 Obfuscated
1509 Unverified
1510 Invalid file extension
1511 unknown file extension
1512 Enable MiniMule
1513 Disable automatic archive preview start in file details